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Detailed report in “stadtverkehr”: Buffered high-performance charging for zero-emission buses in Bensheim, Hesse

A very good description of the Buffered High Performance Charging project (BHLL) in Bensheim can be found in the influential public transport magazine “stadtverkehr”. In addition to all the relevant details, the article also describes the interaction between the necessary partners the project in the context of suburban bus operations. The author shows how a decarbonisation measure in local public transport can succeed in a cost-saving way even without expanding the network. Contact us for an English discussion of the article!

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Adaptive at E-world 2024, the largest event for energy solutions all over Europe

Ein spannendes Portfolio an Ausstellern und volle Hallen gab es bei der E-world 2024, der besucherstärksten E-world bisher – nach wie vor handelt es sich um die größte Energiemesse Europas! Wir konnten tolle Gespräche führen und stellen fest, dass der Bedarf an Hochleistungs-Speichern größer und vielfältiger ist denn je.

Unser Schwungmassen-Speicher (Flywheel) als Puffer liefert dabei einen wichtigen Beitrag:

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#eteam303: Successful full-electric return from North cape!

Glücklich, zufrieden und mit dem Bedürfnis nach Sonnenschein und Tageslicht, so kamen Christoph Fabritius und Heiko Kolz diese Woche von der eNordkapp-Challenge zurück. Als erste Station in Deutschland haben die beiden den GreenTEC Campus Jensen in Enge-Sande, Schleswig-Holstein angesteuert. Gemeinsam mit unseren Co-Sponsoren durften wir das erfolgreiche Rückkehrer-Team dort willkommen heißen: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser grandiosen Tour mit einem ganz alltäglichen E-Auto unter nicht-alltäglichen Bedingungen!

Am GreenTEC Campus, dem Zielort der beiden Elektroauto-Enthusiasten, werden Mobilitäts- und Energiewende erlebbar gemacht. Und genau hier befindet sich auch ein Schlüsselelement der Ladeinfrastruktur, das für unterbrechungsfreies Laden überall so wichtig ist: Unser kinetischer Hochleistungsspeicher AMPERAGE.

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E-Mobilität macht Standorte zukunftssicher: Kirsten Jahn erklärt auf der Real Estate Arena das “Wie”

Weniger als 7 Tage bis zur Real Estate Arena 2023, Deutschlands neue Immobilienmesse.

Vor Ort hält unser Head of Market Entry, Kirsten Jahn um 10:45 Uhr einen Vortrag auf der Surprise-Bühne:
Sie erfahren, warum E-Mobilität am eigenen Standort von Handelsimmobilien wichtig für das Jetzt und für die Zukunft ist. Außerdem geht es darum, wie Schnellladelösungen auch schnell Realität werden – alles übrigens ohne zusätzlichen Trafo und auf Wunsch ohne Eigeninvest.

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ADAPTIVE ist auf der Real Estate Arena 2023 in Hannover

Die Temperaturen werden wieder sommerlicher. Damit beginnt auch unser Messejahr.

In weniger als zwei Wochen werden wir auf der Real Estate Arena 2023 sein – Deutschlands neue Immobilienmesse. Mit Hannover als Messestandort ideal gelegen, auch auf der Durchreise.

Vor Ort zeigen und erläutern wir, wie Handelsimmobilien mit Hochleistungs-Ladepunkten zukunftssicher weiterentwickelt werden.

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Erstes Test-Laden für Ultra-Schnellladen im ÖPNV erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Mittelständische Busunternehmen bilden im suburbanen Raum eine wichtige Säule des ÖPNV. Die Elektrifizierung entlang der Strecke stellt Stromnetzbetreiber und Verkehrsgesellschaften jedoch vor große Herausforderungen.

Im Rahmen des Projektes “Buffered-Hochleistungsladen”, kurz BHLL, wird in Bensheim an der Bergstraße am ZOB eine neuartige Pantographen-Schnellladestation installiert, die durch den Einsatz unseres kinetischen Hochleistungs-Energiespeicher die eBusse auch ohne Ausbau des Stromnetzes mit hoher Leistung nachladen kann.

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Neuen Standard setzen für barrierefreies und sicheres Bezahlen beim ad-hoc-Laden

Adaptive Balancing Power GmbH, DAFÜR GmbH und CuroCon GmbH haben ihre Zusammenarbeit bekannt gegeben. Das Ziel der Unternehmen ist die Einführung von flexiblen und sicheren Zahlungs- und Abrechnungslösungen beim spontanen Ad-hoc-Laden.

Die DAFÜR GmbH stattet Adaptive Balancing und CuroCon im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit dem eigens entwickelten und aktuell fortschrittlichsten Charge Billing & Payment System (CBPS) am Markt aus und schließt so die Lücke zwischen dem Charge Station Management System (CSMS) und dem Backend des Charge Point Operators (CPO).

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ADAPTIVE Balancing Power completes relocation to new Pfungstadt site and doubles production area

The demand for ultra-fast energy storage and charging systems is growing rapidly. To respond to this trend, we have now successfully relocated and expanded our production site and offices from Darmstadt to Pfungstadt.

With the move to the new multifunctional building in the industrial area North-East in Pfungstadt, we have doubled our production area with options for further expansion.

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Solution for a mobility turnaround in the countryside: public transport is now also becoming electric in the countryside

Medium-sized, commercial bus companies form an important pillar of local public transport (LPT) in rural areas. However, electrification along the route poses major challenges for power grid operators and transport companies. That’s why, together with a consortium from research and industry, we have started building a new type of storage and charging network for electric buses in rural areas. In Bensheim, a new type of pantograph fast-charging station (high-power charger) is being installed at the bus station (ZOB) to enable safe, economical and flexible intermediate charging of electric buses. The special feature: by using modern high-power flywheel energy storage system, the e-buses can also be charged on the route without having to extend the power grid.

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Ultra-fast charging in the business park: VarioPark relies on Adaptive Balancing Power

How well the transition to e-mobility succeeds depends heavily on the charging infrastructure and, in particular, on the available charging speed. Commercial users of electric vehicles in particular are often dependent on short charging times, i.e. ultra-fast charging at as many charging points as possible. VarioPark projects and develops business parks with high sustainability standards. Residents, tenants and visitors should now have the opportunity to charge their electric vehicles in the parks in minutes instead of hours. That’s why VarioPark has opted for Adaptive Balancing Power’s ultra-fast charging system and is currently implementing a project in Frankenthal, Rhineland-Palatinate. Others are to follow.

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Adaptive Balancing Power is at the AEE Fachtagung 2022

Mobility is becoming increasingly electric and is contributing to the energy transition. However, the EU Clean Vehicles Directive also places new demands on public transport companies, particularly with regard to their electrical infrastructure.

Our colleague Florian Fröhlich will show how fast and easy route charging via pantograph can be implemented without a strong power connection and transformer at the 10th VDV AEE Symposium 2022 from July 5 to 6 in Berlin.

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Smart Charge Boost: Adaptive Balancing Power introduces ultra-fast and flexible charging for e-vehicle fleets

More and more companies are converting their fleets to electric mobility – for economic, environmental, legal and social reasons. But also because many countries are planning to ban combustion engines and extend or introduce tax benefits for rechargeable vehicles. The challenge here is to always organize the charging processes for e-vehicles flexibly and in line with demand. At the “Fleet! Der Branchentreff” on June 1 and 2, 2022 in Düsseldorf, we will be presenting for the first time an all-in-one solution including a charging station for flexible and on-demand charging for company fleets.

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Adaptive Balancing Power on the Flotte! 2022 in Dusseldorf

Less than 4 weeks to go. Fleet! – The branch meeting starts on 01 June at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH and Adaptive Balancing Power is a part of it!

Look forward to the mobility solution for high availability, energy efficiency and FastCharging at your location for the commercial e-vehicle fleet.

Where? “Fleet! – Der Branchentreff,” Düsseldorf, booth G8B.

You don’t have a ticket yet? Then simply register by email and “Flotte2022” at We are looking forward to a great exchange.

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E-Mobility. Fast Charging. Now. – Our Vision in a Slogan

We have and live a vision – what is behind it?

– 𝐄-𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: We support e-mobility. Regardless of whether it is a car, bus or truck, for example. For this, we enable the necessary ultra-fast charging infrastructure everywhere. In the city as well as in the countryside, in the company as well as in the public.
– 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠: Our focus is on maximum charging power. In the shortest possible time, vehicle batteries should be recharged.
– 𝐍𝐨𝐰: We don’t want to wait until 2030. We don’t want to let time pass. We act and enable – now.

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Adaptive Balancing Power hires Senior Sales Manager Florian Fröhlich to join the cockpit

Adaptive Balancing Power is growing and we are happy to welcome Florian Fröhlich as our new Senior Sales Manager. Florian Fröhlich joins ABP from a leading system house for new mobility. As Key Account Manager, he already gained nationwide experience in the implementation of mobility and charging infrastructure projects. Before that, he was responsible for marketing and sales at a start-up for e-car sharing.

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Adaptive Balancing Power becomes a member of BVES

Since this month we are a member of the Bundesverband Energiespeicher Systeme e.V. (short form: BVES). Together with the other members of the association, we advocate efficient and non-discriminatory promotion of energy storage systems in the charging infrastructure. In addition, we strive for fast and transparent approval processes with network operators in order to be able to build charging infrastructure more quickly.   The goal is clear: according to the National Charging Infrastructure Control Center, one million charging points are to be created by 2030. Energy storage systems in various forms will make a major contribution to achieving this goal. This will make electromobility sustainably possible for everyone in the city and in the countryside. To BVES: Members – BVES

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Darmstadt Mayor Jochen Partsch visits Adaptive Balancing Power

The future of mobility is electric. How fast the transition from the internal combustion engine to e-mobility succeeds depends on the charging infrastructure. With our high-performance energy storage system, we enable high power charging even in places where the necessary power supply is not available. Last Tuesday, Darmstadt’s Mayor (Bürgermeister) Jochen Partsch was also informed about this and was able to test the high power charging solution directly in action.

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Adaptive Balancing Power enters the ultra-fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

After a year of intensive development work and planning, we can proudly announce our entry into the electromobility market. The Adaptive AMPERAGE flywheel storage system makes ultra-fast charging at up to 300 kW possible almost anywhere in a manner that supports the grid. With this move, we are playing our part in ensuring the rapid expansion of electromobility, whether in rural or urban areas.

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Adaptive Balancing Power celebrates its 5th anniversary

In August 2016, Adaptive Balancing Power GmbH was founded under the direction of Hendrik Schaede-Bodenschatz and Nicolai Meder as a spin-off from the Technical University of Darmstadt. The goal of the company is to commercialize 4th generation flywheel mass storage devices, which our founders had been researching since 2009.

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Adaptive Balancing Power presents its high-performance energy storage system AMPERAGE HPC-Booster for electro mobility

Fast charging in the time it takes to drink a coffee: Adaptive Balancing Power presents one-of-a-kind flywheel high-performance storage at the Power2Drive e-mobility trade fair.

The AMPERAGE Charge100 allows electric vehicles to be charged for travelling the next 60 odd miles in just a few minutes using a standard 63 amp high-voltage connection. Charging the vehicle almost fully takes about as long as a daily supermarket purchase (20 to 30 minutes).

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Press review

02.06.2022 (German) Hesse builds ingenious electricity storage system: The idea dates back to the Middle Ages

30.05.2022 (German) ABP shows charging station with flywheel energy storage for fleet charging solution

27.05.2022 (German) “Adaptive Balancing Power” offers solutions for e-vehicle fleet MOTORMOBILES

16.05.2022 (German) Interview with Dr. Hendrik Schaede-Bodenschatz Solarnative

04.05.2022 (German) Energy storages provide power Photovoltaik

16.02.2021 (German) Charge everywhere at maximum speed Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

15.02.2021 (German) More e-charging points for Darmstadt (Germany) Darmstädter Echo

09.02.2021 (German) How energy storages helps to charge e-cars faster Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

21.12.2021 (German) Smart grids, short-term energy storages, power-to-gas – crucial for the climate turnaround Handelsblatt

11.10.2021 (German) Adaptive Balancing Power introduces flywheel energy storage for HPC

11.10.2021 (German) Grid-independent high power charging solution for e-mobility elektrotechnik (Vogel Verlag)

06.10.2021 (German) Adaptive Balancing Power presents energy storage at Power2Drive 50komma2


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