Charging solutions for industrial real estate
The existence of a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles has become as much a location criterion for businesses as the quality of the Internet connection. The ultra-fast charging system from Adaptive Balancing Power enables short charging times at high frequency thanks to its powerful energy storage. The special feature: the whole system works independently of the development level of the existing power grid. This is particularly crucial in business parks, where there are many companies whose needs in terms of the time and scope of the required charging infrastructure fluctuate greatly.
Dr. Hendrik Schaede-Bodenschatz, Managing Director of Adaptive Balancing Power, explains, “Charging in minutes even at locations where the power grid does not have to be specially dimensioned for this purpose increases the attractiveness of any commercial property and contributes to the appeal of sustainable business parks.” For VarioPark in Frankenthal, Adaptive Balancing Power is installing a complete Smart Charge Boost system consisting of the charging system with four charging points and an AMPERAGE high-performance energy storage system. The storage technology company will also be responsible for operating the charging infrastructure and providing service.
State-of-the-art charging technology for top locations
VarioPark Managing Director Ralph Gumb on the decision for Adaptive Balancing Power: “We offer flexible spaces at top locations for innovative companies. For us, this also includes state-of-the-art infrastructure in all areas. The ultra-fast charging stations from Adaptive Balancing Power are an important part of our sustainability concept.” VarioPark plans to achieve Gold certification from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) for its business parks.
Charging systems from Adaptive Balancing Power are planned for additional sites.
To press release:
Promoting e-mobility – ultra-fast charging in the business park: VarioPark relies on Adaptive Balancing Power. (German)